Every year technical enterprises, enterprises with technical departments and technical training facilities, universities, and research centres are invited to organise an open day for girls – Girls' Day. Girls' Day – 'Future Prospects for Girls' initiated a large campaign in which a wide range of professions and activities is presented to girls of ten years upwards. The vocational choices of girls are influenced in a very positive way. For companies, Girls'Day has evolved as an important instrument of their recruitment policy.
Girls' Day encourages the surroundings of the young women – i.e. families, school, media and employers – to participate in the campaign and change their common attitudes towards vocational orientation. Information material, an all-embracing interactive website and an individual advisory service provide support for all target groups. The campaign includes a scientific evaluation.
We are involved in the Girls‘ Day for years and show girls that technical professions aren’t for boys only. The next Girls‘ Day will take place at April 26th, 2018.
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Based on the Girls‘ Day the Girls‘ Day Akademie was initiated. It is adressed to female pupils from classes 7 to 10 who enjoy technology and natural science. Girls‘ Day Akademie takes place weekly as a working group during the school year and can be implemented at any school with general educational value. sera is a partner of the Girls‘ Day Akademie, the current participants are female pupils from Wilhelm-Leuschner Schule in Niestetal.
The girls learn scientific and technical basics with practical works at different education partners such as companies or universities. In addition, communication and presentation trainings are offered, that guarantee an optimal appearance in school and later at work.
During their first visit the girls set up a pump and got to know the way from purchase and warehouse over production up to the finished pump. During their second visit, the material flow was shown and pumps and valves for customers were packed and send out.
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MINT stand for the fields mathematics, informatics, sciences and technology.
Goal of the I AM MINT initiative is to introduce young people, especially girls, to MINT professions in school already. Due to sustainable cooperations with companies, interested people can get to know MINT professions and regional companies.
Within a cooperation with Freiherr-Vom-Stein school in Immenhausen we once a year offer young people the opportunity to have a first look inside the world of work. We impart practical experience via active collaboration. The pupils for example set up pumps and valves or plug circuits.
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