High quality drinking water with extensive sera expertise!

Natural water is becoming an increasingly rare resource. And now, water treatment is more important than ever.
Our product range and decades of know-how help deliver the high quality drinking water.
We offer the following products in drinking water technology for dosing technology:
- sera chlorine dioxide preparation and dosing unit CDG
- sensors of sera`s analysis technology product range
- sera compact vertical dosing systems CVD
- sera polymer preparation units PolyLine®
- sera piston diaphragm pumps, such as C409.2 KM
- sera vertical dosing units DAV
- sera compact dosing systems, such as CTD

- sera chlorine dioxide generator CDG for the elimination of algae and other microorganisms
- sera AQUASENSO® MSR/analysis, e.g pH-value
- sera vertical compact dosing system CVD for the dosing of flocculants, e. g. iron-(III)-chloride
- sera vertical dosing unit DAV for the dosing of HCL (Conditioning Ion exchanger)
- sera compact dosing unit CTD for the conditioning of water e. g. the removal of the remaining of hardness and oxygen
- sera polymer station PolyLine® for sludge thickening with flocculants
- sera piston diaphragm pump R409.2 KM for loading chamber filter press and acidification of the filter cloth and the filter cloth with
3-5% hydrochloric acid